Saturday, September 06, 2008

News! 9-6-08

Today we spent the afternoon and evening over at Andrea's and Larry's Mom was there too. Ian made us Banana and Zuchini bread. Hey Jaclyn, graduate of Culinary 5 year old grandson made us bread!!!! YOU still haven't proven you can actually cook least not to us! LOL!

Here is a link that will be good only for today (Sunday the 6th) to check out something that I have been a part of with my sister Lori in Ohio the last couple of weeks. After the main event you might find another little something by me. I haven't seen the finished product yet, let me know what you think!

There will be more tomorrow I think. Here is a tip of the day from my sister:

Lesson's from first time user of new toaster oven. Never, never, turn your back on one while in training. I set the thing on Med for toast (because that's what the training manual said to do), came over here to type, glanced over my shoulder to find 3 black flaming pieces of Pepperidge Farms finest. Yikes! The lightest setting seems to be the best even with refrigerator bread.

I can sleep now that I understand these things.

Good Night,
Smokin in Bellville
(and yes I have a fire extinguisher at sink side that is fully operational)

Thats all for today! I must enjoy the lovely sound of race cars going round n round n round n round in circles on the race track here at the fairgrounds tonight. A great night for dust and noise...nine p.m. and still 88 degrees outside!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...