Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Revised Boating Story 9-16-08

It was brought to my attention that I downplayed our skipper’s phenomenal navigational skills during our boat ride on the Suisun Bay last week, so here is the story.

Soon after we cleared the walls protecting the marina the seas became rough. The captain steered us into the wind towards our destination, the seas were foaming like mad dogs, it was all he could do to handle his stalwart vessel and calm the fears of his passengers, but he did it with nonchalance.

As we passed under the mighty bridges the seas calmed but something wasn’t right! We were sharing the sea with battle ships from another era. Again the Captain kept us clear of danger, namely being steamed over by a mighty mountain of steel.

While dodging battleships the quick minded skipper kept us in deeper water as we traversed a maze of sandbars and kept us from the fate of this boat.

Soon we were clear and appeared to be in calmer waters until we spied…no, it couldn’t be….a pirate ship under sail and appeared to be in pursuit of us!

Again only the spry response of our boats captain saved us from certain death; he turned us in the direction of our home port and poured on the speed! I could hear the Miami Vice theme song pouring through my head as the boat sped away!

We soon passed back under the bridges and appeared to be back in modern times. We bounced through the curtain of time near this tanker being guided by a tugboat.

Our captain safely steered us back to our berth where we disembarked with nary a scratch!

Hail Captain Louie!!!


~Andrea~ said...

OH MY!!! I'm left speechless.

Anonymous said...

How FUNNY IS THAT. Hail Capin Louie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

DId you change this??? Where is the pirate ship?


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...