Saturday, December 08, 2007

Stunning day on Oregon Coast 12-8-07

I don’t know why I always expect the coast to be warmer in the winter than the mountains but it frequently isn’t, any more than the nights are warmer in the desert…it was in the high 30’s last night, at least it wasn’t real windy.

This first picture is our view out of our window this morning. A stunningly clear day, we have had extremely good timing with the weather here considering the coast was battered with the storm of the century (so far) last week. I think there was more damage further north, but we did have to wait in the Redwoods yesterday as they were cutting up a Redwood tree that had fallen across the road.

The tide was high this morning so no walk on the beach. These pictures are of the beach during high tide and then mid afternoon when the tide was heading out.

Tonight we went to the Azalea Park here in Brookings to see the communities Christmas Lights display. It was pretty and creative. The wind was blowing and it was freezing so we didn’t linger! I didn’t take the time with a tripod so I didn’t get a lot of good pictures.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...