Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas Day 12-26-07

We had a lovely Christmas Day. We left after seven to head over to Michelle’s; it was still dark and very cold. We did get to see a glorious sunrise as we arrived at Michelle’s, I don’t see many of those!

Seth was still asleep and even after he was up he still wasn’t awake. It takes time for both of our Grandsons to wake-up in the morning. He had a great time opening his gifts and enjoyed every one AND nothing needed batteries, nice.

We spent the rest of the day playing and eating and watching the rain change into snow and back into rain. Michelle cooked all day, first a wonderful breakfast and then a great Christmas dinner with ham and turkey and all the fixins. Finished the day off with pie.

We were home by 7:30 and needed to warm up the place, it never got above 38 degrees all day and we had left the heater low.

Today is laundry, shopping and tying up loose ends day. We hit the road tomorrow and we are spending a lot of time watching road conditions and the weather. Ideally we would like to head down 5 to Weed to McCloud and over to Susanville to Fallon, but the passes and roads are all looking icy and snowy so we may end up heading for the coast and going south until north of Ukiah and heading across 20 to 5 to 80. Larry is not a fan of pulling the trailer on icy roads, not as tough as our Canadian friends…smile!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...