Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year! 2008

Happy New Year!

We spent the last day of 2007 doing what I feel like I'll be doing for the next year...painting. Larry was prepping, filling holes, retexturing etc. and I was painting doors.

Fallon had a beautiful fireworks display at the Fairgrounds and though they were a few miles away we were able to see them from our back windows. They went on for about 20 minutes or so and were as nice as any we have seen elsewhere. Larry thought it was nice of Fallon to welcome us to town!

I could do a 2007 retrospective but why look back when there is so much exciting stuff to look forward to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As ever, your blog is so very entertaining. Mike & I laughed at the snow shoveling, the windshield washer reservior being empty(been there and done that since we've lived in Nevada!)
We are in Yuma and it's the coolest they have had in many years. Today it is windy with a high of 66 but the wind is much cooler. The nights have been in the low 40s. I spoke with our neighbor last night and she said you guys are expecting a lot of snow starting on Thursday. Keep warm and Mike said to make sure Larry took care of your trailer's water heater too! He thinks Larry won't forget it but Mike said better to remind him, as he is now in his 50s!
Love YOU!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...