Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Exploration 12-5-07

A foggy overcast day in Eureka today. We didn’t know there was a Costco here until we saw it on the map we received in our welcome packet, so we scoped it out. We found a few interesting things, but managed to walk out empty handed. They even had my favorite Café d’Vita mocha mix but I decided to pass on it and not get in the habit of having it again. It is hard to find.

We then drove on out to Ferndale, the historic Victorian Village. I like to walk around there and poke around the shops. There were a couple of new ones since we were through last. The street was lined with decorated Christmas trees in front of each shop. The fog had lightened up, and the sun showed up weakly for a bit. We had lunch at a little café, finished our walk and then headed back to Eureka. I stopped at a couple stores to find some yarn and then it was back “home”. The fog settled in heavily about an hour before dark.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...