This morning we weren’t rushing to leave Phoenix, Oregon because they still had chain controls over Siskiyou

So Larry decided we would take Highway 99 from Red Bluff through Chico connected to

I was on the phone a lot checking road conditions and talking to my friend Mary and our daughter Andrea for weather checks. Highway 80 over the Donner Summit can be ugly, but all reports sounded like we would be fine. It was nerve racking though because it was so very cold, we figured all the traffic would keep it from freezing up too soon after dark. It was 26 degrees over the top at 7,220 feet. It was snowing going up but quit as we got to the top. Most of the traffic traveled along at safe speeds and not doing anything crazy. We ran out of windshield fluid, forgot to fill it up at our last stop and couldn’t stop when our warning flashed on the dash. We were down to almost zero visibility out our windshield when we found an exit we managed to take without landing ourselves into a snow bank. The other reason we were having a hard time seeing was our headlights were coated in dirty road slush.
We hit Reno just about 7 and pressed on into Fallon. There is about 4 inches of snow on the ground here in Fallon and it’s icy. We are not ready for living back in snow country.

Its so cold Larry isn’t sure we will be able to empty the tanks in the morning and he is worried we won’t be able to back the trailer up the snowy slope into our backyard. I’ll let him worry, I have faith in his Superman abilities, and after all we made it over all the snowy passes with ease. We traveled 466 miles today, stopped for fuel twice, for lunch once in Red Bluff and at rest areas a few times.
Larry thought if we got an early start in the morning we could make it to Phoenix, Arizona by bedtime and it would be a lot warmer than it is here or in the Phoenix that we left from this morning!
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