Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ukiah to Fallon to Ukiah 12-2-07

We got our storage emptied out on Tuesday. It only took us a couple hours as it was just a small storage unit and most everything was in boxes. Everything fit well, Larry is more than just a pretty face, he knows how to organize and tie knots. They need to make those trailers just a little taller, the ducking while inside it is a killer.

Wednesday morning we hit the road for Fallon. It was a clear sunny day and windy along Highway 5. Going over the Sierras was beautiful as always. We got to the house and got the trailer unloaded into the garage. Nothing shifted so all was well with our stuff. We got done in time to get the trailer returned. I spent the evening unpacking my Fiesta Ware dishes and glasses and running them through the dishwasher. Haven’t had a dishwasher in over 15 years. They seem like an awful waste of energy, even on a short wash it runs for ever.

So far we just have a bed and dining room table and chairs in the house. As we have to replace the carpet there is no sense in putting stuff all over the place. Our washer, dryer and over the stove microwave were delivered Thursday morning. The rest of Thursday was spent getting the Utilities taken care of and finishing up stuff with our former property manager.

Friday morning we headed back for Ukiah. It was sunny in Fallon but REALLY cold. As we were heading west we could see we were heading into some weather. Just west of Fernley it started with snow flurries and before long it was starting to stick. It snowed all the way through Reno but we could see blue sky on the other side and sure enough as we got closer to California it cleared up and we had clear skies the rest of the way to Ukiah. We decided to take Highway 20 off of 80 instead of going through Sacramento and taking 5 just to see what the difference would be. It was 31 miles shorter but slower and more tedious. More scenic, but going through Marysville/Yuba City is tedious, plus going west it was downhill, going east you would be climbing the mountains out of Nevada City, way slow if we had the trailer. The Farmers were burning off the rice stubble as we came across Highway 20.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Andrea’s and had great Chicken Enchiladas for dinner. We played two games of Mexican Train and I won both games…a very rare occurrence, usually it seems I am just an extra body at the table racking up losing points.

Ian came home with us and spent the night. We watched Shrek Three before bedtime. We had great pancakes for breakfast, Ian stirred which made them so great. Today it is cold, windy and rainy, guess it had to happen. We have had the best weather this fall!

This afternoon Ian is having an early birthday party so we can be here for it.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...