We had a pleasant drive north on 101 to Eureka. Water was running out of the hillsides and creeks were raging from all the rain the last couple of days. It became warmer the farther north we headed, which seemed really weird. In lots of places as we climbed the coast range the clouds were hugging the hilltops.

Near Confusion Hill in the Redwoods there is a huge rerouting of the highway being done. I wish I could have gotten some pictures (hard to find a place to pullout with your home attached to the back of the truck), the two huge towering bridge supports that they had in place across the river were something to see. It will eventually bypass a piece of road that is always having landslides and rocks. The Eel River was wide and muddy brown with all the rain run off.
We left Ukiah at 10:20 and arrived at the Fairgrounds in Eureka at 2:00. We traveled 159

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