Friday, December 07, 2007

Harris Beach SP, OR 12-7-07

Yesterday we sat in Eureka an extra day listening to the rain thunder on the roof and being rocked by the wind; decided we didn’t need to travel when the weather was supposed to be better today.

This morning it was still pretty blustery and cold when we left but as we got further north it started clearing. These first two pictures were taken from the overlook above Crescent City…isn’t it a lovely day!

We got into Harris Beach around 1 and traveled 114 miles today. We love these nice easy days. Our favorite site was open, and they had cut down a lot of the brush around the site so we have a lovely clear shot of the ocean. With the sun so far south we can watch it set right from inside the trailer when it is cold and windy.

After we got set up we put on our coats to head for the beach. The sun was warm enough but the wind was out of the north and was cutting. The tide was going out and the wind was doing interesting things with the waves and the sand. The light was stunning with the sun so low in the sky, it made the rocks so dimensional and the colors just glowed! We are staying here for three nights so lots of pictures of the ocean and rocks! This weekend is supposed to be sunny…yay!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...