My first order of business was to drive into Bandon to get a new hair dryer. Mine died after many years of faithful service, at least 10 and lately was pulled into service as a back-up room heater. It worked better that the space heater we had, BUT I couldn’t use the space heater to dry my hair and this time

You’ll see lots of this huge tree stump/root natural sculpture in these pictures from different angles and as the tide went out it of course seemed to move up the beach. We loved it and wished we could get it into our backyard up in Fallon, it would take up a huge hunk of the landscape!
We walked almost to the lighthouse but we had been gathering beautiful rocks and fossilized shells and with about 5 pounds of rocks in my one pocket and carrying a few pounds in my hand we had to head back.

What are we going to do with all these rocks you ask? Hmmmm, I guess I’ll have to let

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