Sunday, August 21, 2011

Field Trip 8-21

Started the day with a walk...gee two walks in three days.  I have tendonitis in my hips which can be a royal pain in the....well hip is good enough...close to that other part.  Hard to walk when it causes inflammation...I know, get the violins.  Out of all the "itis's" I guess it could be worse.

We decided to go explore again today.  We drove the old highway 40 route up to Colfax and drove all through its historic district, then we picked up highway 174 to Grass Valley and we explored its historic district...we had never been to either place.  Wonderful old historic buildings and then we drove on through Nevada City's historic district which we have wandered through before.  We had lunch in Grass Valley and then wandered through Weiss Bros. Nursery there and came home with some plants for my two big pots on the deck.  It was a lovely day even though we didn't stop and walk through any of the towns...another time.

Now I am listening to the crickets...well and the fans in our two laptops and the refrigerator...damned modern contraptions are noisy :)

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