Monday, August 29, 2011

A Drive 8-29

Started the day with a walk.  Then I did my new exercises which I'll share with you later.  We had breakfast out on the little deck this morning looking out on the oak trees and watching the deer.  Then we hit the road.

We wanted to check out Rattlesnake Bar Road from Pilot Hill, it runs west down through the oak covered hills, is a very narrow paved track and ends at the Peninsula Campground on Folsom Lake.  The campground is closed but the day use was open.  There was a beautiful old house down there with a vintage truck parked out front...I feel funny taking pictures of peoples houses so I didn't take one.  The road has very little traffic on it and at one point we stopped to back up to see some little birds when I noticed a large bird sweeping through the trees, it at first looked like a hawk until I saw its head and realized it was an owl.  Quite a surprise in the middle of the day and as it landed we could tell it was a great horned owl.  He was far enough away from us that we couldn't really tell which way he was looking, but the camera allowed us to really see it.  I'll post more pictures of it tomorrow. 

We decided to stop and pick blackberries.  We hadn't planned to so we had to use what we had and luckily we had a large thermos that we poured the water out of and used it to hold our treasure.  Of course the biggest yummiest berries were far far out of reach, I was happy not seeing any snakes or bears.  It was a nice drive and now we know whats down there.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Oh, Val....these pictures make me so homesick for the hills, trees, lakes and small roads of California! Beautiful pictures!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...