Monday, August 01, 2011

A Drive 8-1

Happy August!  Now we's my birthday month!!!  :)

I baked two more loaves of zucchini bread, added raisins this time

Hot from the oven zucchini bread, coffee, fruit & yogurt

On the was getting hot already

I like looking at the garden...

Then we went for a ride up into the mountains..this is Stumpy Meadows....looked like a little lake to me :)

This was a surprise...very exotic, large and smelled like plumeria or lilies

The first bit of shade we found to park in and these were there first!

There are Uncle Tom's Cabins in the west too :)

Pretty clouds, you wouldn't think it would be hard to find shade in a forest!

Shade, it was hard to find a road that didn't have a gate across it...not like Lassen Forest.

Larry made yummy tuna and we had a tailgate picnic

On the way home we stopped in Georgetown at my favorite little shop and bought a few little Fiesta ware fruit bowls and a couple of 9" plates, or maybe 7 "...I can't remember, but smaller than the dinner plates :)

1 comment:

Juanita said...

What a great day, Val!! Happy Birthday month!



Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...