Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not much 8-24

Not much going on around here.  It has been keeping in the 90's and the days are getting shorter and the shadows longer.  We've been to town to check out the new store that opened in the old Gottschalks building, I liked it.  We wandered through the nursery trying to come up with a plan for the rest of our front yard..the deer make it difficult.

Last night a coyote made an appearance at the top of the hill before dark, didn't care that we were sitting down on the deck and rooted around in the manzanita and flushed out the turkeys.  They didn't waste time running they flew!  He didn't get any of them, but I wonder if he/she isn't one of the reasons we haven't seen any baby turkeys this year and the quail have really kept hidden with their families.

Tonight at dusk the dragonflies and bats were having a feeding frenzy on some little insect...I wonder if something had hatched out.  The dragonflies were especially busy over the top of the oak trees.  They were all swooping and darting I'm surprised there weren't any collisions. 

Picking tomatoes, cukes and zukes every day.  I may have to rip out a zucchini plant...leaves are pale and I see lots of praying mantis' need to get busy.  One of the cantaloupes is getting some good color and might be ready tomorrow.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...