Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hive of Activity 8-10

Who knew two acres could be such a hive of natural activity!

The "girls" in the front yard this morning.
I don't know if it means anything, but the ponderosa pines on our hill were loaded with green pinecones this spring.  This summer every day the gray squirrels have been up there gnawing their way through the ends of each one and dropping them to the ground.  They are green and heavy and not open, but once on the ground they dry out and open and I'm guessing the squirrels are harvesting...a sign of what I don't know.  It is dangerous to be under the trees because you never know when one of those heavy pinecones will come crashing down.  Every once in awhile the woodpeckers attack the squirrels and they run down the trees really fast, its amazing to see. 

The woodpeckers are setting up housekeeping again in the oak appears they may be hatching another batch of babes.

The cantaloupes are doing well.
The turkeys are through every day again.  There is a flock of robins that has taken to hanging out around here and taking baths every morning in the bird baths.  This morning it was like a bird sanctuary with all the little birds singing and flying around.  The quail have reappeared with their little ones today, they are so cute but really cautious and shy.  I slipped out the sliding door onto the back deck to get a picture of the quail when from under my feet the twin fawns slipped out from under the deck.  They had been hanging out there all afternoon I guess, if they hadn't moved I would never had known they were there.
The baby praying mantis' have been spreading out all over the yard...they were so teeny tiny but are all growing fast.  I spot them pretty easily and caught one on the hunt on one of the dahlias and thought I might get some good pics of the attack, but the prey took off, darn it.

So that was today's highlights and there is even a bee hive in one of the oaks below the house.  The tomatoes are starting to ripen.

The other day Larry cut pieces of wood so Ian could build a box.  They built the box yesterday and today Ian sanded it and put a coat of paint on it.


baby praying mantis

Ian painting his box

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...