Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cold, Blustery Day 11-20

It was a cold blustery day today, but we did see a ray of sun a couple of times.  It didn't rain all day like expected, but we have gotten over an inch of rain already.  This big husky guy traipsed through the yard looking for the girls more than likely.  He stopped and looked at me for a second and then kept on moving, he sure is pretty.

I spent a couple of hours on the computer getting the last months photos all named and shifted around to their respective folders and deleting and then backing everything up.  I also got blankets and towels where they needed to be before our company gets here on Wednesday.  Seven years since we've had a house to have the girls and families visit and the families have grown since our last house :).  We are excited though because this house is larger and laid out better so we'll not be tripping over each other every minute.

We spend some time each day gazing at the front "yard" trying to come up with what we want to do with it and Larry can't wait for a week or two of sunny weather so he can get the outside of the house that he's gotten it all sealed up and fixed it looks worse than ever, but once will be great.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...