Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Busy day 11-23

Busy, busy day today...cleaned the bathroom, ironed the tablecloths, wrapped all the Christmas and birthday gifts, did laundry....then, after the sun came out we went into Auburn where I returned my library books, we had lunch at Jack in the Box and then we went to Target and then to Safeway to get our last grocery shopping done before the company comes, we barely made it home before dark.

We had heavy rain all night and this morning....near the end of the storm the heavens opened up for about 20 minutes and the rain came down in  buckets.  In one of these pictures you can see our fancy green rain gauge.  About a half hour after the rain stopped the clouds sat down on the ground and we were fogged in for about an hour and then the fog lifted and the sun came out and the waters soaked in and ran away.  The afternoon was sunny but COLD!  As I type this at bedtime it is already below freezing outside...it is supposed to get down into the low 20's tonight...cuddle-time!
For some reason I can't get my photos uploaded...I'll have to edit and add them tomorrow hopefully!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...