Today I had my hair colored and cut…always so mood refreshing! I get to where I think I just might let my hair

Yesterday our new Dell laptop arrived and it is RED, my favorite color and the wireless mouse is red too. Larry has been glued to the thing for the last two days and has a few more days of work getting it figured out, setting it up the way he wants it and getting our stuff loaded on it. The Vista makes him cranky because of course every single program is now different in so many ways and it slows down the loading process. Getting a new computer set up is always a pain, but now with Vista it will take him a lot longer. It isn’t painful for me because I’m not doing it, I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Before the arrival of Red, Larry has been busy scraping layers of sand off the yard, trying to get as many goathead stickers out of the yard as possible. They are wicked weed

We’ve haven’t done much of anything else, been to the library for a pile of books. I would like to encourage you all to check out your local library if you haven’t been in years or decades. Most have quite a large movie selection and paperbacks nowadays. Saves a lot of money and your taxes are paying for all those things and you should avail yourselves of them! Most libraries are computerized now which makes it easier to renew your materials and find what is available locally and within the system. We’ve gotten library cards in various states/areas when we’ve been in areas for longer periods of time…as long as they don’t charge a lot of money for an out of area user. Most have been free, but Douglas County in Oregon was fifty dollars….I don’t think so.
I took an hour one day and cleaned out all the kitchen cupboards in the trailer, ran all the dishware through the dishwasher in the house and the shelves that hadn’t gotten it yet, I lined with the antiskid mats and then got everything put back away. Doesn’t ever take very long to clean your home when it is tiny!
My Sister Lori lucked out and got her house in Ohio sold; offer and closing within like 3 weeks and only had it on the market a couple months, maybe less.
The weather this past week has been really nice. It was hot when we first got back but the last few days have been really pleasant. No wind, sunny and in the low 80’s.