Thursday, August 02, 2007

My Families Reunion 7-28-07

I am writing this on Tuesday which is the first chance I have had to sit down at the computer. The problem is that now I have to struggle to remember the details of this past weekend….tee hee. I can’t remember which day they came in now but Aunt Mary Ann and Milt were here too for the Reunion; Tuesday I think they came in.

Thursday morning we went over to my Aunt Millie and Uncle Marty’s place to help prepare stuff for the reunion. My Cousin Pat and I helped finish the six marshmallow cream pies that my Aunt had started. Pat had already made the big pan of decadent Brownies and after we finished with the pies there was the cutting of the chicken and getting it panned up for the Saturday shindig. It didn’t really take too long and we visited the rest of the day. Oops, Pat and I went into Roseburg to get stuff for the little kids to play with from Walmart and we ended up finding stuff for our Grandkids while we were there too. This first picture is Uncle Marty, Aunt Millie and my cousin Cindy.

Friday we did some laundry and then headed over to Reunion Central (my aunt’s place) to help with any last minute stuff. Pat had already done the green salad by the time we got there. My sister Lori and her girls were on the plane from Ohio and we were all waiting excitedly for her to show up and Andrea and her family were on the road heading up. Pat and Mike Corral’s son Keith, wife Stefanie and daughter Tana pulled in late morning so we caught up with them. This is the Corral families, Mike, Pat, Keith and his wife Stefanie and daughter Tana.

Andrea, Will and Ian, and Lori, Lindsay and Jaclyn hit the motel within a half hour of each other and they rested for a bit before heading out to RC. Even after Larry had given them detailed directions Andrea got lost once and took Lori (she was following her) on the scenic route out to our location. The rest of the day was playing with Ian and visiting with everyone.

Ian and Tana spent quite awhile entertaining and serving us all “tea and cookies”. They had a good time together and were cute with their imaginations.

We all had a lovely dinner together down under the trees. Cindy and her partner Dude, Aunt MaryAnn and her husband Milt, Uncle Dick and Carol and their daughter and her husband were there too. I may have forgotten someone…if so, sorry. Oops, I forgot HIS Lordship, Cousin Mike and his friend Linda. They showed up Friday afternoon too.

As it got dark we headed back to Sutherlin with Lori and Andrea’s cars following us back with the HUGE full moon rising over the hills…so pretty. We stopped at their motel and visited for a bit and then headed home.

On Saturday we headed over to the motel and then caravanned out to RC. We all had a great breakfast out there. Scott and his four kids, Jake, Chelsea, Sidney and Lyneki arrived the same time we did. The kids had grown so much since we last saw them! Michelle, Darel and Seth arrived just before breakfast. Seth was VERY glad to see his Granpa and Gramma and drove his parents’ nuts on the two hour drive talking about us.

We all had a big breakfast together and spent the morning visiting and playing with the kids. As Lori, Lindsay and Jaclyn had never been wine tasting Pat took them to a couple wineries near the house. Mike’s girlfriend Linda went with them. They all came back toting wine bottles.

Larry and I spent the day visiting and watching all the kids play. The kids all got along really well. Seth got bit by a large ant where his finger met his hand which hurt quite a lot and he cried and was scared of course. The ice and bandaid made it all better. Later Ian got stung by a bee on his arm, but Jake Thompson reacted really quick and got the stinger out, so more ice and another bandaid fixed that one. Then not an hour later Seth and Ian were both moving for the Frisbee that had been tossed in their direction and they cracked heads really hard. They screamed over that of course, Ian had a red ear and a knot where he was hit, I never did see if Seth had an injury. After they recovered from that they both took naps. Seth on the backseat of our truck and Ian on the backseat of his Mom’s car. All the kids were really good all day.

Around six it was dinner time, food, food, food and then ice cream cake with Elmo on top. It was Tana Corral’s third birthday and after dessert there was a piñata for the kids. They had a great time and Jake did the rope on the piñata really good. He was the one who finally blasted the thing open so the kids could dive for all the candy.

Around dark everyone headed off to the various places that they were spending the night. Michelle, Darel and Seth headed home as they were about 2 hours away and in the process of moving and are really busy. We went to the motel where Andrea and her family and Lori and her family were staying…Scott and his family stayed there too, so we visited for awhile, Andrea gave Ian a bath and then we gathered him and his stuff up with us. This picture is me, Cousin Pat, Sister Lori, Cousin Mike and his friend Linda.

Ian spent the night with us in our trailer. The kids have a hard time grasping the mobility of our house of course. He was puzzled by the patio we have here, versus where we were the last time he saw us. While Larry and I were taking turns with our showers and getting ready for bed Ian had a banana and then a bowl of Cherrios with banana. He had a hollow leg apparently. I got his bed ready on the floor and got him in it, went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and by the time I finished that and peeked out at him he was sound asleep! I’ve never seen a kid fall asleep that quick! Less than 5 minutes. This picture above or beside (who knows how it'll post) is Cindy's friend Dude, Aunt Millie and Aunt Mary Ann.

On Sunday as we were leaving Ian wanted to do all the things we do with him when we are in Ukiah because that is what we did the last time he was at our “house”. One of these times the boys will have to see us pull in or pull out so they can get their heads around the concept of our house being in different places!

We had breakfast with Andrea’s family and Lori’s family at a nearby restaurant, then Andrea, Will and Ian headed home. The rest of us headed back over to Aunt Millie’s. Scott and Keith’s families were there having breakfast and then they headed home too.

As I have reached my mildly advanced age and never been wine tasting, Pat very willingly took me, Lori, Lindsay and Jaclyn to a couple wineries that they hadn’t gone to the day before. I am a light weight drinker and after the first winery I was feeling “it” already and by the second I was getting a buzz and feeling a little silly….and then we headed home. It was fun, interesting and I bought a couple bottles of my favorite. Now that I know what is expected I’ll have to start hitting wineries on the road, Larry hates the stuff so I probably won’t do it very often. The whole country seems to be dotted with wineries.

So the last of us hanging around spent the rest of the day visiting and grazing on leftovers. Lori said her good-byes to everyone and then we headed home.

Lori and her girls flew home early Monday afternoon. We had breakfast and then they headed out. Larry skipped breakfast and walked to the restaurant from our RV Park because he claimed he was still full from all he had consumed all weekend and the thought of looking at or smelling anymore food was going to send him over the top! We were going to put our leftovers in a box and take it out to him, but we decided to play nice!

Lori and both the girls are going to try to get out this way more often now instead of waiting 17 years between visits…hopefully so.

It was a grand family reunion and the weather was perfect! In the interest of simplicity I didn't go into who lives next to who and who is who's parent, our families tree is too would take me three pages to describe it, but I need to give mention to Uncle Dick and Carol too.

And here I am on Thursday finally getting this posted! Larry’s Uncle Gene and Aunt Bonnie have been on a road trip and stopped here in Sutherlin a couple nights to visit with us. They got in on Tuesday afternoon and left this morning after we had lovely coffee and pastry’s at The White Horse Coffee and Tea House here in Sutherlin, a hidden gem! It was 99 degrees yesterday, had the a/c on and today too! I have to get caught up here on the computer because we are hitting the road tomorrow.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...