Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alva Lake, Montana 8-23-07

Today was cloudy, which made us double glad we saw Glacier Park yesterday. We got up and did laundry and I cleaned the bathroom because we were thinking we would be dry camping for a few days.

From our place in Kalispell we headed south on highway 83. It is beautiful forest in the Rocky Mountains and the Mission Range was on the west and had some really tall peaks with snow on them. I didn’t take any pictures because they would have been all smoky. The highway had been closed for a week and a half up until just a couple days ago due to a big fire in the area. We cruised through one campground but with the trees being so thick Larry didn’t think we would get satellite so we went on down towards Seely Lake but all the campgrounds were still closed (could they put the signs out by the road, no, so you had to drive 7 miles down a road before you came upon the entrance, gated with the closed sign). So we had some lunch by the side of the road and talked about our options, we weren’t really ready to head out of the forest yet so we turned around and headed back up to Alva lake campground.

At Alva Lake we found a nice wide site, got backed in, blocked up and I had the slides out when Larry came back from walking around and said that one of the other sites had better sun for charging our batteries so we unblocked, pulled in and drove around the loop to the new site (thank goodness no one was around for this spectacle). We’ve gotten to where it is easier for me to get behind the wheel to shimmy the rig back and forth so it’s where Larry wants it versus me just standing like an idiot telling him what to do and it is never where he wants it. I take direction really good, but sometimes when Larry is at the back and I’m watching in the mirror my brain keeps wanting to reverse the direction he’s giving me, most times entertaining and I can get past it…sometimes not and then I just turn the whole operation to Lar and he’s on his own (which he really has no problem with).

We spent the rest of the afternoon just enjoying the peace and quiet. The forests here in Montana are so diverse! When we were way over on the western border of Montana we were in a cedar forest and here there are no cedars, but a lot of trees I don’t know. The next time we come to Montana I will have a tree identifier book.

Larry thought he might be able to get the satellite, but our sun was waning and he didn’t want to use our power up while he was trying to find the satellite (the modems and stuff have to be on) so he took the day off from satellite hunting. We had cell service and Larry got a phone call from Darel, his friend at the fire and our plans changed a bit again. We will be heading to McCall, Idaho tomorrow to take care of the Heli-com trailer he has there so the guy that is currently with it can go home. This lifestyle’s flexibility is fun!

We watched the sun set for awhile behind the mountains and lake, but then the clouds and wind blew in and we headed home. It got cold fast.

Aren’t these teeny blue flowers the cutest? And this bird is new to us. Large like a pigeon but more graceful and there was a pair of them. We were warned about bears, but we never saw one, no grizzly, no wolf and no moose! Sheesh!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...