Saturday, August 25, 2007

Heading for McCall, Idaho 8-24-07

I forgot to mention that we were on the road 3 hours yesterday, but about an hour of that was driving up to closed campgrounds and heading back the way we came to Lake Alva. We traveled 114 miles. Oh, and I looked up on the internet for western Montana trees and besides the Lodge Pole Pine I’m familiar with and the Firs there are Mountain and Western Hemlock, Pacific Yew, Spruce, and Larch also known as Tamarack. The Larch (Tamarack) is a conifer with small cones, but its needles turn golden in the fall and it sheds its needles. Our friends Don and Tracy had told us how beautiful it is up there in the fall and how pretty the Tamaracks make the forest in the fall. Autumn is my favorite season, so one of these falls we’ll have to be in Montana to see it!

Today we got going early; we were on the road by 7:40. After the decision to go to McCall yesterday we debated about packing up and getting on the road, but we had already paid and settled in for the evening and having never traveled that route we were a little concerned about where to spend the night…as we discovered, it wouldn’t have been a problem most of highway 12 was in National Forest and there were tons of places to stay…oh well.

We had to turn the heater on this morning; it was 39 degrees and not a whole lot warmer in the trailer. We headed south on 83 and there was a lot of smoke lying in with the lake fog. The air temps were cold enough that the water in the lakes were creating steamy fog and there were a few lakes to get by.

We hit highway 200 west through Missoula, which we found we liked and it had a good feel to it, we’ll have to check it out more another time. I found that lovely wildflower at the place we stopped for toast.

Several miles after entering Idaho we spent the rest of the trip alongside huge, gorgeous rivers. The Lochsa, which joined up with the Selway and then we were along the Clearwater for a short time while we were traveling south on 13 and then we were along the big Salmon River going south on highway 55, at Riggins the Salmon hooked off east and we were then along the Payette. I’m telling you there are so many rivers here in Idaho they are hard to keep track of!

It was a long travel day, 8 hours, when we have lately only been doing 3 or 4 and we traveled 329 miles getting in to the McCall RV Resort at 4:15. Took us a bit to get an acceptable site, they first tried to put us on a quad but all of those rigs nearby were part of a big wedding group, so Larry and the “parker” tooled off in the golfcart and looked at a couple of alternatives and the one Larry chose is perfect. We are backed up to a hill, the sites are large and we are across the lane from a quad of Prevosts, gorgeous million dollar rigs, we are “hobnobbing”.

Larry got us set up and the satellite dialed in and then took off to find the Helibase. It is about 5 miles from here. We think we will be here until Wednesday. I doubt I’ll have much to ramble about while we are here, but who knows?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...