Saturday, August 18, 2007

More Montana 8-17-07

Had a great night, it was really dark! The river and trains kept it from being to quiet!

The smoke had lifted out a little this morning. Enjoyed watching the sun come over the top of the mountain. As I was getting ready for the day, Larry discovered we had a stowaway in one of the outside compartments…a mouse. Of course it is in a compartment that is long and has the water tank in it that the mouse can hide behind, so I guess it will be sticky mouse tape or de-con for the poor thing.

I forgot to mention that we were off the grid here at the Kootenai River. No phone and no satellite, felt kind of weird, but nice too. Being in the wilds of Montana with big mountains and lots of tall trees who knows when we’ll get back online, you all will have a lot of reading to do!

We hit the road just after 10 and hit the town of Troy soon after. We stopped to fuel up and stop at a store for milk and mouse begone. We also stopped at a visitor center and gathered up some material and Larry spent some time talking to the lady there. She had lived in the area for 41 years and she was telling him how Coeur d’Alene, Kalispell and Whitefish were just all little teeny towns. Now she says CDA just spreads over into Spokane and that this whole corner of Montana into Kalispell and Whitefish has gone crazy too, this year she says the real estate has gone through the roof and looking at a little real estate flyer we would have to agree. Ridiculous prices for OLD houses. Before leaving Troy Larry remembered to get gas for the generator, we haven’t used it in awhile, but boondocking like we have been it is nice to have for backup in case we don’t get enough sun to charge up our batteries. So we didn’t leave Troy until after 11:30, partly because it took us awhile to decide which way we were heading. Hard to enjoy the scenery through lots of smoke!

This part of Montana is beautiful! After leaving Troy, on down the road we caught highway 56 down to highway 200 east. We pulled into another National Forest Service campground west of Noxon. We found a really nice site but just in time, by early evening it was pretty much full. There are a bunch of people together in one loop having a wedding at the day use area, complete with a horse drawn buggy. We got in at 12:40 and traveled 48 miles. We were very surprised to find we had cell service, but so far no satellite. Larry tried hard, but couldn’t get a shot through the trees! We are staying here 2 nights so we don’t have to try and find someplace on a Saturday night.

The trees here are a richer green and there are a lot of cedars. The creeks and rivers are so clear you should be able to see a fish, but so far we haven’t see any! The yellow jackets here at the campground were annoying and forced us to stay inside when eating.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...