Sunday, August 05, 2007

Ochoco National Forest, OR 8-5-07

We were at Michelle’s new place in Corvallis the last two nights and we had no satellite so I couldn’t blog. They moved to a 2 bedroom/2 bath 4 plex in north Corvallis. It is a really nice place with a fenced yard to keep the boy in! It is out in the middle of a wetlands. It looks like the development started and then someone stopped it because there are sidewalks and streets, but the cottonwood trees have buckled the sidewalks up so it has been like this for awhile. We parked across the street so we could open the slides and they wouldn’t be poking out into the street. It is a really quiet place except they are really close to the train tracks, maybe 300 or 400 yards but the train goes really slow so at least the ground doesn’t shake and rumble as it goes by.

Larry, Seth and I drove up to Monmouth on Saturday morning to the only place I have been able to find the hair products I use. I found this place when we stayed in Independence 3 years ago. It was a little over 20 miles from Michelle’s. We cruised through Independence to check on the progress of a building project they had started in the old district. It has a long ways to go before it is finished, but since we were last there a beautiful new cinema has popped up. Independence has a housing/airport development. The houses have hangers instead of garages, cool if you’re a pilot and own a plane. Independence also had a housing development that built the houses all looking Victorian, the garages are all in the back so the houses stand out and some are huge. It’s an old town that is staying current and retaining its small town character. It is right on the Willamette River.

The rest of Saturday we played with Seth while Michelle and Darel spent the day at their old place cleaning. Seth slept in our trailer both nights. He always thinks that is pretty cool.

Today we left Corvallis at ten. (Seth got to ride the slide-outs in and ride in the trailer as Larry pulled across the street in front of Michelle’s place so he could air up the tires with their compressor.) We took 34 east to 20 at Lebanon (bigger and prettier than we expected). We meandered over the Cascades and at Sisters (which is a crazy tourist town) picked up 126 and then in Prineville we picked up 26. We went through Redmond and it was pretty too with lots of hanging flower baskets. Most of these scenic pictures were along our route. The gardens that most of the Dutch Brothers Coffee places put in are stunning! The last of the scenic pics is of Prineville…half of the valley was a golf course!

We decided to check out this National Forest campground, Larry had read in the book that it was paved and had sites big enough for us, so here we are at Ochoco Divide National Forest Campground. Dry camping, which means no hook-ups of any kind, but with the solar panels and the inverter I am connected to the real world via satellite…Cool! We at first thought that we wouldn’t get a shot at the satellite, but as always Larry manages to find a teeny shot through the branches! No cell phone, but no surprise there!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...