Thursday, August 22, 2013

Land Piranha

before the branch. you get interesting shots
This morning I went up the hill to drag the bare branch to the burn pile and to pull the SD card out of the camera to see what was on it.

Now mind you, in one 24 hour period there can be up to a hundred or more pictures depending on how many animals hang out or pass in front of the camera.  This batch was from the evening of the 19th to this morning of the 22nd and the branch with the pears was dragged up there the evening of the 20th.  There were 2,580 pictures!!!!  Lucky for you...less than a dozen here!

The deer took control of the hill and feasted away.  The fox only got in on the bounty a short while each night, the deer even slept there quite a bit.  Four legged land piranha!  Cute my ass!

The dumping

The fox

Almost leafless

MINE you hussy!

JB says, what about a rabbit?!  A morsel?!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...