Thursday, August 01, 2013

Happy Birthday Month!

Woo hoo!  Today was cover the grays on the head day.  That is always fun and I enjoy visiting with Mario, my hair guy.  He's thirty seven, married and the second love of his life is his two year old son.  We run the gamut of topics and then I walk out of there all shiny and coiffed.

"I'm keeping an eye on you!"
I decided to walk to the little corner garden store and I passed a new vintage store.  It was bright, the displays were pretty and shock of all shocks, their things were priced to sell.  Their philosophy was much like mine with my store, "it isn't making money sitting on the shelf".  After I walked inside, a cute yellow pottery vase caught my eye (I haven't taken pictures, I forgot), I was prepared to set it back on the shelf but the five dollar price tag made me hang onto it.  I love to make flower arrangements in small vases, well, in whatever size will work.

I continued to wander around admiring all the pretties and there, THERE are the Pyrex nesting bowls of my childhood that I have been wanting for the past seven years and haven't bought.  Mostly because I thought the prices were ridiculous or they weren't in great shape.  Loved the price, loved their condition and it was August first...Happy Birthday to Me!  My birthday isn't until the fifteenth, but I believe in a long celebration!  Tee hee. The store is Vintage Redeemed, 916 Lincoln Way, Auburn. I don't know where my Mom's bowls ever ended up; her small blue bowl was long gone and the last three were faded from many, many runs through the dishwasher over the years.
Such a delicate color.

I did make it to the garden store and found some rudbeckia (black eyed susans)  which I had been wanting to add to the garden, another score.  Up the highway to the grocery store, an iced latte for the road and back home!

Had a nice visit with Lori on the phone, Larry and I had leftovers for dinner and then Death by Chocolate ice cream on the deck.  Life is Good!

Oh, a funny story.  Back when I lived in Chester my best friend Mary had a wonderful coffee house which I of course visited frequently and quite often we would have a good laugh over me walking in and discovering both of us wearing the same colored phone call involved.  I posted my bowl find on my Facebook page and Mary says, "OMG, my neighbor was over here today and offered me those same bowls, I declined."  CRAZY, is what I was thinking!  Ha ha!!  But her husband saw the post and said his Mom had those same bowls and to call the neighbor and see if she had them still; she did and now Mary has the same bowls too.  Quirky world for sure.  She got the better deal, free, but her birthday is sooner than mine; must be how it works!  Our birthdays are ten days apart but, shhhhh, I'll always be  younger...hahahahahaha!!!!

All these pictures were taken earlier this week.

happy, bright marigolds

Rest period!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you Mom.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...