Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Last hurrah for the garden

Watching the birds while eating breakfast.
The finches and hummers are very busy in the morning.
Summer has about five weeks left and the garden is starting to wind down.  I did the seasons last fertilizing of the roses this morning and started tidying up.  I pulled out some cosmos and I'm going to plant some rudbeckia there for fall color.  There is other stuff I am going to start ripping out here pretty soon, it is looking tired.

Larry got called to a different fire back up at Willow Creek yesterday.  He's in a nicer spot right on the water, we aren't sure what it's called though yet, Willow Creek or a river, he's up 96 just a tetch.  If you know what it is drop a comment or email.  He emailed some pictures, rough place to cool your heels, the draw back is the smoke.

Breakfast table in the shade
After my yard work and after enjoying breakfast out in the garden I decided a field trip was in order.  Up to Georgetown I went for my annual visit to the Frog Pond, its a lovely little shop of vintage, used and new stuff and Fiesta ware!  I like to add a few pieces here and there to my collection and I found a pair of sunglasses that fit and were only eight bucks.  It is a pretty drive up higher into the mountains.  Then I drove slowly through a shopping complex there and discovered a thrift shop, so I parked and scoped it out.  I scored three pressed glass round Christmas platters for fifty cents each!  They will be nice for cookie trays and I found a blue crackle glass vase.  It was marked seven and I got it for three and a half dollars, a bigger score! All my purchases were products actually made in the rare nowadays.

Off to get my zzzzzz's so I can be fresh for whatever I decide to do tomorrow.  Par-tay!

My new to me vase, its a pretty clear cobalty blue.

The wines I bought weekend before last at local wineries.

These tomatoes share a stem.

 Uh oh, dogs are going crazy...bear must be lurking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL vase for a certain someone who's having a birthday in about, oh I don't know 18 days? ;-)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...