Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Odds and ends

Wow, dancing all night under the Blue moon was exhausting!  Early to bed for me tonight!

The clouds were moving quickly across the moon.

The fox did not want to share with the racoon
We've been dumping the fallen, damaged, rotting asian pears up on the hill for fast consumption hoping to keep from attracting the bear.  We discovered with the trailcam that the fox love them.  We've gotten pics of the entire family, mom, dad and two kits.  They carry them off.  We've seen a jack rabbit carrying one off, the deer, raccon, skunk and squirrel have all feasted.

For the last two days we've been smokeless here, so refreshing.  I feel bad for whoever is having to deal with it.  Now with more fires starting with the thunder storms going through I imagine the smoke will be back.  The fire Larry is working at has no containment, and the earliest they expect containment is in October.  He's had smoke there of course, but has the bald eagles, egrets and herons for entertainment.  They all hang out there.  Larry told me an osprey caught a fish out of the river...the Trinity by the way... then dropped it in a pool and two eagles swooped in trying to get it.  Larry said one eagle swooped right over his head with talons down and wings outstretched, "Cool", he said.  The osprey came back to try and recover his catch and it and one of the eagles got in a battle and Larry saw the eagle, while in flight, turn on its back to try to get the osprey.

coyote squating to pee
I've done a lot of nothing the last few days.  Took some pictures, but mostly just sitting around being a lump.  Not getting very good rest, we had a big wind the other night, dumped over some plants and yesterday I discovered a branch full of pears had broken on our tree.  Sad, I dragged it up to the hilltop in the wheelbarrow.  The animals had a feast overnight and today.  That big limb is already leafless, the four legged land piranha got to it.  There will be a lot of pictures on the trailcam.

I am still going to pilates twice a week, the instructor has been ramping it up and boy am I tired and sore but in a good way now.  After a year and a half I have strengthened to the point that I can now get everything stronger without the focus being on just getting my body to move without pain.

I am noticing that some of the oaks around here are beginning to change color already, awfully early.  Enough for now.  I'm turning in early.
They were busy watching whatever
we were doing, we never even noticed them.

Are you looking at me?!  Which is my better side?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...