Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Warming Up

It was in the high 20's again last night but at least it warmed into the mid 50's today.  We are starting to finally move back into some more normal temperatures.  This cold is wearing on everyone around here.  The ground has heaved for several days with ice crystals like it does higher up in the mountains.  With the garden not having a lot of vegetation on the ground I find it interesting that all the striations in the mud are all in the same direction across the entire garden as if raked by a giant zen garden master, almost north to south in direction.  Why?  I might learn why some day, just one of those things that catch my attention.
A few rose bushes are sprouting.

Gracie the sun dog was happy to be able to sun bathe
instead of shiver in the garden

This moss is healthy.  I discovered that the little black lines
were shadows from taller sprouts in the moss.

The garden today
Last year was about getting my outer body in shape, this year is about my internal workings fitness.  In the last couple days I've been reading "Crazy Sexy Diet" and this book pulls together a lot of info I've heard the last few years about our bodies, nutrition and our food industry.  I love this book, it is an easy read, lots of great information and the diet is really a small part of the book.  We have already cut out most processed foods and now we are going to work at eliminating milk products and sugar.  I don't know if we'll ever make it to vegetarian but we ARE going to start adding a lot of veggie/fruit smoothies to our diets and cutting way back on meat.  We aren't going to hold ourselves to any rigid when company comes or we are out of town, but anything we do will be better for us overall.  And if we find we can do it and feel better we'll go whole kale....instead of whole hog....hahaha....I crack myself up.

Our first health smoothie. 2 romaine leaves, 1 red pear, handful of pea sprouts, inner celery heart leaves, 2 handfuls frozen blueberries, 1/2 avocado, 1 TBS of flaxseed meal, small nub of fresh ginger and about 6 oz. of water. Down the hatch. It wasn't bad, just the right amount of ginger, and we could have passed on the celery leaves, but all in all pretty tasty. We each had a 10 ounce serving.

The blueberries turned our green smoothies purple.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...