Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Pruned Trees

Boy has it been cold at night.  Hard freezes, and even though it has been sunny, if you are in the shade or there is even the slightest breeze you need a sweater.

Larry finished pruning the pear tree and we did a hard prune on the plum tree.  They both look good.  Larry hauled all the branches and limbs up the hill to the burn pile, made the call to the burn day recorder, it was a burn day and torched the pile.  To keep it burning he raked pine needles and I cleaned out a few of the flower beds.

This evening I ripped out my mohair scarf...It was too wide and I would run out of yarn, so I needed to go to smaller needles and start over.  I like it better, the colors are falling in waves like a sunset instead of the gold being in spots.  I'll take a picture when I get farther along.
The plum tree, much shorter and the pear to the left in the back.

You will of course see pictures of it this spring and summer.

This bug was on my Japanese maple...friend or foe?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...