Thursday, January 17, 2013


 One granny smith apple, two handfuls of blueberries, 1/2 lemon (we'll do a quarter next time), little knob of ginger root, tbsp of flaxmeal and cup of water. We had this about a half hour or more before our usual breakfast of oats. We are loving the smoothies. It feels good knowing we are putting pure unprocessed nourishment in our bodies. Why did it take us so long to start we wonder?!
Last nights low was 29 but finally the day warmed up, no wind and was gorgeous.  We began the day with a fruit smoothie before breakfast and then had our oatmeal with raisins.  

Larry got started on taking my car apart to install the ham radio and antenna.  It doesn't shock me anymore seeing the seat and console out.  It did look funny seeing Larry's legs dangling out of the trunk.  Even with cell phones we feel naked without our radios after all these years.

It was warm enough finally so that I could get two rose bushes transplanted.  The ground had dried out enough that it wasn't slop-o-sis, but easy enough for me to dig.  Time was getting on and I needed to get them moved before they started sprouting out.  The clay is never easy but at least I didn't need Larry and the digging bar.

Our second smoothie today. Other than half avocado, no fruit and it wasn't horrible, but my mouth was not all that happy about it. Not sure what the problem was, maybe because it was green and thick :) This was half an english cucumber, half an avocado, 2 romaine leaves, a carrot, a small "chunk" of broccoli sprouts, a small wedge of lemon and a small chunk of ginger..oh and water. This one might have been better without the ginger and more lemon. I think my innards might be wondering WTH? One smoothie was clearly an aberration and now three?!!!! It is excited that change is happening I think.
We had an afternoon veggie smoothie.  Well, it had half an avocado which is a fruit, but the rest was veggies, it was a pretty color and wasn't horrible, but my mouth was acting like it was dirt.  Maybe because Larry said it looked like slime...haha.  It is just nice to be feeding our bodies with pure food.  I think my innards are in shock from this nutrition.

It has been awhile since spending so much time outside, I hope we are done with this cold.  I've got lots of stuff to move around out there in the garden.  Gracie loved being out in the garden all day.  She claimed the arbor bench as her throne in the sun.  She can watch who comes and goes and keep an eye and ear out for the gopher.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...