Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

Grosbeaks have been enjoying the Chinese Pistache trees nut-like berries
2013...woo hoo!  We survived the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of the world and a rare planetary lineup...  In my childish hope that miracles do exist I was hoping we would all wake up with peace on earth and love for our fellow human beings...maybe soon.

The males are brightly colored.

Yesterday while Larry and Gracie were on their hike I dismantled Christmas, it didn't take as long as I thought.  I used a different method this year.  I took everything off the trees and put all the ornaments on the kitchen table in their various piles which made boxing them all up much quicker.  Larry hauled it all back out to the shed and done.

My brilliant idea.
In the mail yesterday I received a little treasure that I splurged on.  Hand dyed mohair from Hawaii...they make the most scrumptious colors.  I only bought one skein and with shipping it was about $45.  It came in a hank that I had to get wound into a ball and while having dinner I had a light bulb moment while gazing at our two kitchen stools.  The legs flare out and I decided that I could put the hank on the two stools, it wouldn't slide down and the seats would keep it from coming off as I wound and darn if it didn't work brilliantly.  I started my scarf immediately with it...I can't wait to get it worked up.  It is so soft, delicate and warm.  It is like something between a spider web and cotton candy.  

All wound up!
The colors are pretty.
We did our usual New Year's Eve thing...we went to bed and slept it in after having watched a marathon of Jack Benny programs and Burns & Allen shows...funny.

Today we started the New Year watching...as Larry called it...the parade of dead flowers.  The floats are beautiful, I love the horses and watching the marching bands...having been in one in high school, but I still think it is ridiculous to spend the money that is spent on the floats and the money that the bands and people spend to travel to be in a parade.  Like so many things in our culture this parade has created its own industry.

Anyhow, after breakfast we puttered around a bit letting the sun warm up the outside and then we headed out on a hike.  I figured I would start out the new year right.  It was sunny but cold.  The trail was muddy, slick and mushy in a lot of places.  Larry took us on a route I hadn't been on yet and we only had to jump one creek.  It was so peaceful.  We did a bit over four miles and I had some sore muscles, which is okay, but no pain in the hips...I have come really far in a year and in another hope to be even better.

I would have been happy doing a lot of nothing the rest of the day.  I should think I would have learned by now...not to mention that something needs doing in the next couple of weeks to Larry.  He will do it sooner rather then later and that meant today.  In looking through last years pictures I was reminded that in another month the fruit trees would start blooming and we had yet to prune them.  I told Larry we should get it done before the middle of the month and......today was the day.  

Larry got the ladder in a good spot on the asian pear and I directed from the ground.  It was cold, but we got most of it done before the sun set.  We have a bit more to do tomorrow and then the hauling of the limbs to the burn pile, but one down and now the plum tree is next.

 Tomorrow I will get the after pictures, we have a bit more nipping to do and it was getting dark.

"I know that I am never alone. I ride the flow of Life with great anticipation. There are surprises ahead, and I intend to enjoy them all!"  

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...