Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Beautiful Day 8-30

Up at 6 this morning...jeez the sun isn't even up then.  The gutter guys were coming to install our rain gutters and they wanted to beat the heat.  It was actually a bit chilly.  They finished in two hours.  I baked more zucchini bread.  It was a perfect weather day, crept up into the high 80's and every once in awhile a lovely breeze would blow through.  Larry found a fire weather outlook that said there would be another couple thunderstorms,  and a couple more heating trends into the 90's and then early rains this winter...ho hum.  I just hope we don't get snow here again this winter...pretty but a drag.

My garden has peaked and is heading into the pre fall down slide.  The glads all finished a few weeks ago, the zucchs have slowed down, the tomatoes are finally ripening, my sweet peas are gone, my red dahlias became inundated with mites so they are looking peaked though they are still blooming and the yellow dahlias are still going strong.  With the birds eating the bugs and the praying mantis all over the place I hate to use bug sprays...but some times they have to come out.

My large flower bed that I planted the cosmos and bachelor buttons is just starting its first bloom cycle so I'll have lots of color for another month at least.  The roses are all still blooming and several are getting ready to bloom again here shortly, I even had a couple more blooms on my clematis vines.

We are pondering what to do and plant in the garden next year.  The squirrels have slowly confiscated or bitten into almost all of the small crop of asian pears that we have this year.  It is discouraging to know you are doing all this work for the wildlife.  If that keeps up I may just plant fruitless ornamental trees and keep to flowers....at least we won't be attracting the bears because once they find that we have yummy stuff inside that fence it is all over.  They have impeccible memories when it comes to food and those fence posts would be like toothpicks if they decided they wanted in.

So here are the owl pictures.  We were so surprised to see it in the middle of the day and when you see its coloring you see how hard they would be to spot if you didn't know they were there.  Such large beautiful birds. 

Look at the size of those magnificent oaks!  The owl is in the center, I had Larry keep his eye on it as I changed lenses so we wouldn't lose it.  Keep in mind that is as close as my camera would bring it in...the following were cropped on the computer so can see it better.

Its coloring just makes it disappear.

Enough of being admired it turns to lift off.

I just kept the shutter snapping until it was out of view.

This is the uncropped version of the previous shot.

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Drive 8-29

Started the day with a walk.  Then I did my new exercises which I'll share with you later.  We had breakfast out on the little deck this morning looking out on the oak trees and watching the deer.  Then we hit the road.

We wanted to check out Rattlesnake Bar Road from Pilot Hill, it runs west down through the oak covered hills, is a very narrow paved track and ends at the Peninsula Campground on Folsom Lake.  The campground is closed but the day use was open.  There was a beautiful old house down there with a vintage truck parked out front...I feel funny taking pictures of peoples houses so I didn't take one.  The road has very little traffic on it and at one point we stopped to back up to see some little birds when I noticed a large bird sweeping through the trees, it at first looked like a hawk until I saw its head and realized it was an owl.  Quite a surprise in the middle of the day and as it landed we could tell it was a great horned owl.  He was far enough away from us that we couldn't really tell which way he was looking, but the camera allowed us to really see it.  I'll post more pictures of it tomorrow. 

We decided to stop and pick blackberries.  We hadn't planned to so we had to use what we had and luckily we had a large thermos that we poured the water out of and used it to hold our treasure.  Of course the biggest yummiest berries were far far out of reach, I was happy not seeing any snakes or bears.  It was a nice drive and now we know whats down there.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

B I G G E R BEAR!!! 8-27

our living flame!
Last night just as I lay my head on the pillow I heard a loud noise, but as I had just sunk my ear into the pillow I couldn't really tell where the sound came from.  So then I was on alert, I tried to relax but I kept hearing something so finally I just got up to see if something was going on inside or out.  Nothing seemed out of place inside so I flipped on the two lights on the back of the house and thought to peer out of the window above the kitchen sink rather than wait to get to the sliding door.  Right below the window at the corner of the back deck...Holy Bear Batman!  It was Papa bear, this bear was alone, bigger and not in much of a hurry and didn't seem to be worried about me and the lights.  I hollered BEAR so Larry would get up and come see.  The bear was at least three feet tall at the shoulder and Larry says a good 300 lbs.  I'm glad I got up and looked becasue I think it made the bear keep on moving...he was getting ready to scope out the grill and had raised his nose up towards the hummingbird feeder which was hanging from the porch covering way above his head.  He would have had to get up on the deck to get it which meant he would have probably broke my lovely new Talavera pot and celosia plant.  Whew.  He either didn't go by the garbage can or the ammonia Larry keeps it sprayed down in is working.  Mr. Bear sauntered over to the back of the Caddie, then on around the far side and then lumbered off across the drive and to the trail that all the beasties seem to take off into the wilds.

It was hot again today...mid-90's.  We did our walk first thing and as yesterday was clean house day today was relax day.  I did swelter out in the sun for awhile in the garden to get pictures...anything for my art, even sweat running down my spine...ew.  The light was really pretty...the sun gets lower in the sky every day.  As August rolls into September fall starts rushing in telling us winter isn't far behind.

Portulaca (Moss Rose)

Love these...more portulaca

pretty pretty hydrangea

Thursday, August 25, 2011

ROBBED! 8-25

It started out a pleasant day.  We took our walk and as I usually do when we return, I went into the garden.  I was met with a disturbing sight...a cantaloupe where it shouldn't be...detached and away from the vines.  I went around the tomato plants and what I was afraid I'd see was a reality.  No, NO, N O!  Our first perfectly ripe cantaloupe had been wrestled from its vine and was half eaten!  ARGH!!! 

Last night I remember thinking that maybe I should pick it rather then leave it one more night, that it would be attractive to some animal, but I didn't think anything could get in to get it.  Wrong!  I was so sad that I didn't listen to my inner voice...dang it.  We don't know what animal it could be.  At night, the fence isn't squished, though we see holes at the bottom of the fence...in the fencing, not dug in the dirt and no fur and we couldn't see any prints.  A mystery. 

We were so very disappointed.  I do not make a good farmer.  I see why you have to plant way more than you need...so that you get your share and nature gets theirs.  Larry worked on fixing the fence bottom though we don't know if that is their way in.  I don't think either one of us are up to sitting out in the garden all night and surprising the wildlife.  I have much better luck with flowers, bugs I can fight.

It was in the mid 90's and will be for about 4 more days so hopefully the rest of the 'loupes will ripen and Larry will get to eat at least one.  I find them yucky.

I made yummy baked zucchini today in a large zucchini carved out and filled with sauteed onion, garlic, zucchini, spices, garden tomato, wine, bread crumbs and cheese.  It was really really good.  Love cooking these fresh veggies!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not much 8-24

Not much going on around here.  It has been keeping in the 90's and the days are getting shorter and the shadows longer.  We've been to town to check out the new store that opened in the old Gottschalks building, I liked it.  We wandered through the nursery trying to come up with a plan for the rest of our front yard..the deer make it difficult.

Last night a coyote made an appearance at the top of the hill before dark, didn't care that we were sitting down on the deck and rooted around in the manzanita and flushed out the turkeys.  They didn't waste time running they flew!  He didn't get any of them, but I wonder if he/she isn't one of the reasons we haven't seen any baby turkeys this year and the quail have really kept hidden with their families.

Tonight at dusk the dragonflies and bats were having a feeding frenzy on some little insect...I wonder if something had hatched out.  The dragonflies were especially busy over the top of the oak trees.  They were all swooping and darting I'm surprised there weren't any collisions. 

Picking tomatoes, cukes and zukes every day.  I may have to rip out a zucchini plant...leaves are pale and I see lots of bugs...my praying mantis' need to get busy.  One of the cantaloupes is getting some good color and might be ready tomorrow.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Field Trip 8-21

Started the day with a walk...gee two walks in three days.  I have tendonitis in my hips which can be a royal pain in the....well hip is good enough...close to that other part.  Hard to walk when it causes inflammation...I know, get the violins.  Out of all the "itis's" I guess it could be worse.

We decided to go explore again today.  We drove the old highway 40 route up to Colfax and drove all through its historic district, then we picked up highway 174 to Grass Valley and we explored its historic district...we had never been to either place.  Wonderful old historic buildings and then we drove on through Nevada City's historic district which we have wandered through before.  We had lunch in Grass Valley and then wandered through Weiss Bros. Nursery there and came home with some plants for my two big pots on the deck.  It was a lovely day even though we didn't stop and walk through any of the towns...another time.

Now I am listening to the crickets...well and the fans in our two laptops and the refrigerator...damned modern contraptions are noisy :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yum Yum 8-20

The day started with the howling of coyotes.  Larry had gotten up at seven and about 15 minutes after that the coyotes started their chattering and howling...weird to hear them after the sun has come up.  I was still one with my bed and didn't roll out to see how close they were...the sound can bounce around off the hills here in our little bowl on the hill.

Add caption

I don't know what is up with my cucumbers.  I picked three or four and checked all the vines, moved the leaves around and didn't see any more.  I put the ones I had picked on my table and went back and picked up the hose to fill the red bird bath, looked down and there was another ripe cucumber, then I found another and another!  I told Larry I think they have little cloaks of invisibility and after I put the clippers away the cloak comes off because I do NOT know how I do not see them.  Larry says if thats true we had better get them to the Fair.  Yeah right, they would be like that cartoon singing frog...singing until he gets to the fair and then sits there like a lump.  I am sure the cucumbers would do the same...RUDE!  :)

Dinner today was YUMMY!  If I had a restaurant I would have this on my menu.  A slice of San Luis sour dough cut in half smeared with mayo and ketchup, two Oscar Meyer Beef hot dogs sliced in half length wise and then pan seared, a yellow onion sliced and sauteed in olive oil and then one yummylicious slab of home grown tomato!!!  With a side of fresh from the garden burpless cucumbers (magic of course) dressed with a tetch of Maries Garlic Italian dressing, lemon juice and fresh cracked black pepper!  Kiss of the fingers!

It was gorgeous weather again...I could leave the house open, it didn't get too hot...LOVE it because then when I am inside I can still hear the birds and the breeze and the rustling of leaves or rocks if a deer or something decides to cruise through.  Heavenly day!

red verbena, cantaloupe to the left, tomatoes behind

My late seed plantings are soon to bloom, Cosmos, two kinds
and batchelor's buttons

robin getting a drink

PS  talked to our neighbor on the hill above us today...the bear had broken down his garden fence, the deer got in and ate all his tomatoes and roses...ARGH!!!  I hope the bear doesn't find our garden attractive.  The bear had also gone onto his deck and pooped on the rug right outside the back door.  RUDE!  :)  Which is why I always close and lock the sliding door at night, a bear in the kitchen would NOT be good.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pretty kitty 8-19

Hi my ever faithful 9 readers!  I haven't to much to share today.  Last night I heard noises outside the bathroom window, ran and got the flashlight, climbed in the bathtub so I could get the light pressed up to the screen and there was a large shiny black and white striped skunk...it had a very long tail that fortunately was hanging gracefully and not straight up in the air waiting to scent the night with its unique perfume.  It was busy poking around all over the place.  The coyotes have taken to singing up a storm at least once at different times the last few nights.  We took a walk this morning.  I took a bag of zucchini and a bag of cucumbers with a few large tomatoes on top down to a friend who didn't put in a garden this year...woo hoo!  Lucky for us and her.  I ripped out the dried sweet pea vines, pulled some weeds and deadheaded all the roses and flowers.  We had to re prop the tomatoes and Larry puttered out in his shop and washed the vehicles....entertaining stuff!  Love you!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Small but Bountiful 8-18

The last couple of days we have just puttered around in the yard and relaxed.  The weather holds steady and we have seen sign that the bear has been through but we haven't seen or heard it.  The last few nights the coyotes get to singing to each other...LOUD....I slept through them this morning, Larry said one sounded like it was in the bedroom.  Yesterday I had a massage and facial...the facial was more relaxing then the massage....ahhhhhhh.

The garden is still going strong.  Every day more zucchini and cucumbers, I can just get done picking them and walk back through the garden and there will be another giant one...HOW do I not see that!  The tomatoes are ripening finally...lordy they are so yummy.  Our meals include all three every day.

Some of the largest first tomatoes are very funky shaped.

Look at all that bright meaty scrumptiousness!

This was today's harvest.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nurseries in Loomis 8-16

Today we explored Loomis nurseries.  Larry got a map online of all the nurseries in Loomis and we set off to explore.  Loomis is west towards Sacramento off of I-80. 

First we stopped at the library in Auburn to drop off books, Larry needed to look for some books and I came out of there with a pile...even though I am trying to cut back on my reading.  It is a weakness, I can't seem to go in without coming back out with books.

We found a pleasant surprise in Loomis...the High Hand Nursery in what was once a huge fruit shed.  It was such a beautiful peaceful place.  Raked gravel paths, oodles of granite benches, garden sculpture, japanese maples and everything so artfully displayed.  There was a large koi pond and even a fine dining restaurant incorporated into the grounds.  Up in the old shed was an art gallery, a fabric shop and a huge glazed garden pot shop, there were fountains everywhere.  We really enjoyed it. 

We had lunch at a mexican restaurant nearby and then our last nursery to check out was the Flower Farm Nursery near the Auburn-Folsom road.  Another pleasant place to stroll around and it had a wonderful coffee house so we lingered there before heading back home.

We were amazed by the HUGE estates that were sprinkled all over the place...massive homes with guest houses and ponds and park like settings.

The weather is holding steady...low 60's high 50's at night and then low 90's during the day.  Oh, I forgot to mention that the bear did not come back Sunday night so the garbages were undisturbed for garbage pick up.  Hopefully she was just passing through for the manzanita berries.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday To ME! 8-15

It was another beautiful day!  The breeze was cool but not unpleasant while we had our breakfast on the deck.  I had decided to go to Old Sacramento for my birthday which worked out well because we had to get the truck to downtown Sac for a little tweak.  The truck took about a half hour and then we cruised on over to Old Sac.  It wasn't at all busy for a summer day, but a lot of kids are back in school so that might have contributed to the low key atmosphere...right up our alley.  We went through the Sacramento Museum and then wandered around.  There are only about three blocks and the architecture is stunningly preserved with boardwalks and the western facades.  We chose to have lunch at the Rio Cafe, a wonderful restaurant on the Sacramento River.  We sat outside where a breeze blew off the water and kept it from being hot and stuffy.  The river is wide and had light boat traffic on it.  We both really enjoyed our meal choices.  Larry had a hamburger with rosemary french fries and I had the special which was penne pasta with chicken sausage, mushrooms, spinach, peppers, herbs and wine sauce.  For dessert we had Chocolate Lava Souffle with ice cream and I had an espresso with it...YUMMY!  We then sauntered up and down the streets and in and out the tight shops and art galleries.  When we had seen everything we headed back up the hill for home.  I thought we might hit horrible traffic as it was about 4 p.m. but we didn't and cruised right along.  It was just a lovely, relaxing enjoyable day.  Cool to live in wild kingdom yet just a short drive to the city!  I received many wonderful Happy Birthday's on Facebook from friends and family today...thank you all.

The following pictures are of birthdays past.  I didn't carry my camera with me today, so none for this year.

Jaclyn, Michelle and Me

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bear again 8-14

Yesterday was a full day and I was just too pooped to post...hahaha!

Mara...she's camera shy...NOT!

On Friday Andrea and Connor showed up and cousin Stephanie and her two...Anthony and Mara arrived too...and spent the night.  Needless to say the kids were wound up and didn't get the sleep they needed, neither did their Mamas as far as that goes.  The kids spent yesterday morning outside running around, exploring, playing in the dirt and it was getting hot.  As the morning progressed the kids were wilting so instead of staying into the afternoon before heading home the Moms decided to head home early and hope the tired munchkins slept on the drive.  Wow...it felt like the aftermath of a huge storm...haha. 

Steph & Anthony

After two weeks of company we were alone...so we set the house to rights and then spent the rest of the afternoon resting inside with the a/c on...I needed to be cool and chill.  Later I had a lovely soak in my large garden tub in our redecorated bathroom for the first time since finishing it.  While relaxing I watched the sun set on the ponderosa pines...ahhhhh.  We were in bed by 9:30, exhausted.

Suddenly a crash woke us up...the sound came from the shed and we knew instantly that the bear was back...it was 12:30...so much for extra sleep.  Larry shined the flashlight from the front door and could see the bear had gotten the door of the shed open and was into the garbage, had tipped it over. Larry opening the door and shining the light on it scared it and he lost sight of it.  I was looking out the bedroom window and I couldn't see it but I could hear it.  Bears make a very distinct chuffing/grunting noise and that is what it was doing and we then heard something going up the pine trees.  Larry waited a bit and then walked out to get the garbage contained and pull it out in front of the shed and leave it where if the bear showed back up the motion light would go on and hopefully scare it away. 

I could hear something still up in the tree and more chuffing so we knew it was still up on the hill, we spotted it with the flashlight and it was just hanging around the base of a tree and by then we figured out that there was a baby or babies and it/they were up the tree and Mama wasn't going anywhere.  I got the camera, changed the settings and hoped to get a picture.  The flashlight was pretty dim and didn't really illuminate the bear much, but I could see it wasn't too concerned about us.  Larry had gone out to the truck to get his spotlight...which has to be plugged into the truck so though the light shined very brightly up the hill so I could see better, Larry couldn't see a thing with the light shining on two layers of deer fence on the garden.

I wish you all could have seen it.  From the first angle that Larry was shining the spotlight the big pine tree cast a shadow over the bear but I could see one paw.  She had sat down on her butt and was scratching and one back paw caught the light and appeared to be waving to us back and forth, back and forth.  Funny!  She skootched around, scratched some more and then got comfy...she was guarding the babe until it came down from the tree.  I am guessing that until we left she didn't give it the all clear.  When I took the first picture she apparently didn't like the flash because she hissed at me...uh-oh...but didn't seem the least concerned with the next two shots I got.  I couldn't see anything in the display on the back of the camera so didn't think the pictures turned out.  On the computer I was able to brighten them up so we could see the bear pretty well.

This is a really bad picture but I wanted you to
see the shadow the spotlight cast that she
"waved" to us from.
After a bit we decided to give up on bear watching...we were tired and we half expected to get woke up again, but neither one of us heard anything more and in the morning found the garbage can as Larry left it.  This morning we could see how she just ripped the door open from the bottom and broke off the piece of wood that holds it closed.

Today we visited on the phone and just puttered around.  It was very breezy this morning but eventually warmed up.  A friend gave us a tip for bear prevention and as tonight is garbage night we'll see if it works for our bear.  They use straight ammonia on their can...so we'll keep you posted. 

I am amazed at the nature we see here on a daily basis...far more than I ever expected.  We are on the edge of a lot of wild land but it is traversed with the highway, hiking trails, the rock quarry and the river so for some reason I just didn't expect all this entertainment!  So lucky and so entertaining!

Done scratching and getting settled down.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...