Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yard work 9-14

 Hi, I'm back...I was in a hormonal depression for a few days, but I'm done now.  Larry has started working on moving the deer fence that is attached to the deck and surrounds much of the front yard...we have felt like we were in jail.  We are making the garden/fruit tree area smaller so Larry has to dig up all the posts and is re-setting them where we need them.  You can also see in this first picture the two cherry trees that I cut down today.

I used a toothy hand saw to cut down both of the trees, great exercise!

The cherry trees had been getting hit by above ground sprinklers for several years apparently which had really damaged them badly and they were oozing sap.

Here is my mule hauling the limbs up to the burn pile...ha ha.

While we were up at the top of the hill Larry found a bag of our garbage ripped open.  A bear had gotten into the garbage and hauled a bag from one edge of the property up the hill before tearing into it...shows some intelligence...it left it's calling card too...rude.  I wouldn't mind seeing it one of these days...safely from inside the house of course...the bear, not more poop!
Larry is at the top of the hill in this picture.

The view from where Larry was standing at the top of our place.

And this is what bears DO DO in the woods!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...