Saturday, September 25, 2010

Migrations 9-25

All God's creatures seem to have little clocks and calendars, it has been fascinating watching the changes.  A week or so ago we noticed the bats were gone already.  The first full day of fall our resident hummingbirds left and the last few days there have been huge, high, noisy formations of white pelicans heading south.  The past week every afternoon the turkey vultures gathered above like they were having a meeting and then they would disperse, but day before yesterday while we were watching the pelicans the turkey vultures starting swarming from the north to the south....they travel more loosely but we had never seen so many at one time and they just kept coming from the north and heading south like the pelicans.  We have been hearing geese too.  The mama deer are chasing off their babies, harsh weaning.

We went to Mel's Diner for breakfast...very yummy and then Larry spent a couple hours cleaning the truck inside and out.  We are having a week of Indian Summer....the next several days are in the low 90's, but with the low slant of the sun and long shadows it is way more bearable than a month ago.

We have no plans, just adapting to living without wheels under our home and enjoying our little piece of paradise.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...