Monday, September 06, 2010

Back to quiet...ha ha ha 9-6

For some reason I can't get any pictures to upload and I am too tired to figure out why tonight...I'll mess with it tomorrow.

This morning Ian helped Larry and I do some yard work.  He shoveled dirt from around a fence post for Grandpa and he helped me prune the rest of the oleanders.  He did a fine job...BUT when I took the pruners from him to cut a really large branch, he asked if he should go get Grandpa!!!  Are boys just born with that attitude I wonder?  He then helped Gramps haul the branches up the hill to the burn pile.

They left around 12:30 and I set to cleaning.  It was a teeny bit cooler today and will be cooler than normal or normal for the next 10 days or so....I guess no fire season this has been quiet across pretty much the whole country this season.  Until later!

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