Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beautiful Oaks 9-28

It has been fun learning first hand about our wild neighbors here in the transition zone of the Sierra Nevada foothills.  Deer DO make noise to communicate with each other...it is hard to describe the sound but it is a very quiet bleat...like a lamb might make with a clicking sound in there somewhere and if something urgent happens they do like a weird loud warning cough.

The does have been weaning the fawns, the does can get after those babies when the babes try to nurse!  The fawns are becoming more independent and moving farther afield from momma.  They were sure frisky yesterday...three fawns were bounding back and forth across our lower meadow like crazed pinballs, springing all over the place in that springboard style that deer have.  They reminded me of a crazed kitten or chihuahua racing all over the house.

It has been hot here, but thankfully not as hot as Los Angeles or the valley...I did have to fire up the air conditioner for a few hours this afternoon.

This morning I could really see the leaves have started turning yellow on the blue oaks...they are so pretty, so of course I had to take pictures.  As for me, after my jam packed day yesterday, today was a recovery day...meaning beyond minor chores and cutting Larry's hair I did absolutely nothing.

And as my friend reminded me and I can't remember the quote that says it best, but there is no failure, even in doing nothing as I said in my post yesterday.  In choosing to do nothing in and of itself is still an action, a choice and often we can learn more in doing nothing...so thanks for reminding me Mary!  So failure isn't an option because it doesn't exist.  Phew...so much to remember...ha ha ha!


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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...