Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Updates 9-21

Not too much exciting to write about each day.  Larry finished digging up and replanting fence posts, he also dug out the two cherry tree stumps and cut all the branches off of the fig's stump will have to go one of these days too.  We had our propane tank swapped out one day.  A couple of days ago we actually took our first walk around the "neighborhood".  Yesterday Larry hung the drapes in our bedroom, so it is mostly done and he hung my "stuff" on the walls in my art room.

One afternoon we were entertained for almost an hour by the crazy deer.  The local herd has enjoyed our moving of the fencing because they have been able to get to the fruit trees.  The day Larry finished planting all the fence posts discombobulated one of the does.  There was also a hunk of cement sitting where none had been before and she wasn't sure if it was going to jump up and eat her or not.  With the fence posts all in a row she wasn't sure if there was fence attached or not and wasn't sure if she could proceed safely.  It took her over a half hour to make up her mind and just made us laugh.  She would move forward a few steps craning her neck and looking this way and that, then she would get frightened and spin and move away a few steps.  Then she would stand there looking back and spin back around and tip-hoof her way back and then she would start the whole process over again.  She finally went up the hill to look over things from a different perspective, then she went back and slowly hoofed her way into the "orchard".  Some days we are entertained by the quail, or the buzzards or the little birds...always something going on around here.  Every afternoon there is a little mob of bluebirds that come through too.

We went to the HUGE Master Nursery in Auburn to find out for sure what these two trees are in the front of the house.  I had an idea what they were, but wanted to be real sure because if they were another type that was messy or the roots destructive they would have to go being that close to the house and not everyone does their homework before choosing and planting trees.  I love plants so this nursery was nirvana, I will have to go back by myself and just hang out and browse....they grow much of their own stock and their people are nice and full of information.  We hooked up with a lady who marched us to the tree section so she could show us how our piece of tree matched up with another and we were happy that they are Chinese Pistache trees and not Pepper or Ash.  We also learned about the best way to plant in our clay and recommended trees etc. 

Then we were wandering around looking at potential possibilities for my two large flower pots and someone else helped us find deer resistant plants that would possibly work for us.  We came home with some plants and we got them planted up in their pots where they look very happy.  We wanted to come home with some more plants for the hillside that we moved a lot of topsoil too, but there is a gopher torturing us with its presence and we need to get rid of it before buying and planting gopher food.  The little meany seems to know when we are sitting there on the deck and does his little tossing of dirt out of his hole to taunt us...makes me wish for camo, shotgun/rifle with scope and silencer...ha ha ha.

Today I had a long overdue massage right here on this side of the river and she was pretty good.  I spent the afternoon getting my yarn stash organized and seeing all of it gets my creativity stirred up planning projects.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...