Monday, August 07, 2006

Rough day 8-7

HUMID. The humidity is still amazing to us. If you get all hot and sweaty it takes forever to cool back down. My book pages are starting to curl, yuck.

Today was a very exhausting, trying day. Lori and I each had a massage, then we had lunch with her friend who is a brilliant writer and then we went shopping in a couple of shops that were packed full of treasures and then we had our hair cut. What can I say…someone’s got to do it. It is the first massage I have had in almost a year, which is very sad for someone who was getting a few a month.

Larry finished putting together a job he was doing for someone and mailed that off. Then he played ball with Oscar the black lab until Oscar almost keeled over from heat exhaustion. Larry decided to stop even if the dog didn’t want too, he didn’t want to do CPR on a dog. He did some stuff on the trailer and dumped the tanks and sat under the awning to watch another spectacular thunder storm.

I forgot, we both started the day whipping Lori’s treadmill into shape. I did a couple miles and Lar did almost four so we weren’t complete slackers.

This is my sister Lori, her husband Mike and my niece Jaclyn.

My brain is mush from a combo of this lovely day, the cheeseburger/homemade frenchfries dinner and I’m not feeling at all witty, so ta-ta for now!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...