Sunday, August 06, 2006

Great Dinner 8-5

It is after 11 p.m. right now and I can’t remember this morning. It was a long time ago! Oh, now I remember, Larry’s ankle was better so we took a walk down Lori’s road. Kinda scary because people don’t slow down and there isn’t much of a shoulder to walk on, fortunately there isn’t a lot of traffic. It had gotten down to 60 last night so it wasn’t too steamy yet for our walk.

After we got home and had breakfast we went on a mission with Lori. We had to go to a neighboring Village to get steaks from a gas station…go figure. The last place you would expect to get great steaks, but it was true. We got to see a lot of the surrounding countryside, we felt like we were going to end up in Pennsylvania with all the twists and turns. Beautiful country, resembles the Roseburg area of Oregon, just greener if you can imagine it. It is as wet here as the Pacific coast.

Lori was having their friends over for dinner so they could meet us and see our home. Steaks, baked potatoes and fresh from the field sweet corn. It was all wonderful. Great food and great people, it was a nice evening. Way past my bedtime and I still have to get in the shower! Later!

The cat is Puma, the dog is Oscar, the view of our trailer is from Lori & Mike’s front porch and that sexy blond is my older sister Lori.

Oh, so you caught that. Hey, my Blog, my story! O.K., she is my younger sister by 18 months. I may be forever older, but the oldest is forever smarter!!! Tee hee.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...