Monday, August 21, 2006

Blah, Blah, Blah 8-20

Sorry to leave you hanging! There just hasn’t been anything worth sharing. I kinda think you all would be bored…all we’ve been doing is visiting, working on the computers, shopping and eating! We get in our workouts in the morning and then my sister the food-pusher starts cooking and its downhill from there. Larry wouldn’t even go up to the house this morning…had to stay away from temptation. Not me, I just jump right in…it’s only temporary, right? Breakfast is every kind of breakfast meat imaginable, country potatoes, omelets dripping with cheese and avocado…ummm-ummm.

Not being together in ten years, it has been cracking us up how everyone instantly knows we are sisters. We really don’t think we look that much alike, but apparently we are wrong.

This morning Lori dragged me out of my trailer to take a walk with her (I had been considering taking the day off). We were walking along the narrow country road when I saw a very large ground hog in the middle of the mowed field. As we got closer he started running towards us and at the same time I heard a car coming up behind us…I wasn’t sure if the groundhogs’ intent was just to attack or if he was going to make us human road pizza by shoving us out in front of the car. I could see the headlines…Attacked by Crazed Groundhog…Groundhog seeks road kill revenge! He actually just disappeared into his hole, but you can see what all this food and country air has done to me…… O.K. so that’s just me, what can I say. It was a very BIG groundhog. They are very large rodents, that are kind of cute. I hate taking pictures of things that move so you may not ever see a picture of a groundhog here on my blog!

So that’s it for the last few days. Oh, another near death experience, we decided to go to the show and we hadn’t gotten far when Lori was hearing her rear tire making noise. She had it repaired on Friday, it had a screw in it. We were telling here how our Suburban had nearly lost its left rear tire WHILE towing a large U-haul trailer and that it had sheared off a couple of its bolts before we figured out what was happening. So we decided she should stop and check out her tire AND sure enough all the lugnuts were loose. Very glad we weren’t on the freeway to Columbus.

Today the weather was lovely. Cooler with a nice breeze, which kept the humidity down. Gorgeous!

These pictures are where we were two years ago. The first one with the yellow flowers is Fort Rock in central Oregon and the other two are of the Steen Mountains in south-central Oregon. Stunning country!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...