Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bucyrus, OH 8-2

Last night was another first for Larry. He got to see Fireflies! They always make us think of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland. They are so magical even if they are just beetles sending out mating signals. We did a load of laundry last night after the sun went down and it was a teeny bit cooler. The mosquitoes were out as well so it made watching the fireflies a “slapping” experience.

I’ll quit boring you with the temperature and humidity levels, they are the same basically. At least we had a/c last night and we used it all night. Tomorrow the heat is supposed to break and we are supposed to get a lot of rain.

We left Tecumseh, MI at 9:35 and didn’t stop until we hit Tiffen, OH around 12:30. We went into Walmart to get milk and produce and some shorts for Larry. The only big problem with staying off the interstates is frequently there aren’t many places to pull out and stop. Church parking lots are the best and there are plenty of those, but seems like every time we would see one there would be someone riding our rear and Lar wouldn’t be able to stop in time to “whip” into the parking lot. Whipping anywhere is a bad thing anyway with a trailer as it tends to toss the contents at the rear of the trailer a bit!

We are spending tonight at the Crawford County Fairgrounds in Bucyrus, OH. Fifteen dollars for electric and water and we are all by ourselves. We are near a train track. We aren’t far from my sister’s in Bellville and we could have made it today, but she works nights and we didn’t want to get in late and disrupt her schedule, so we will get in early tomorrow and it is the start of her days off.

I won’t bore you with all the roads we traveled today; we zigged and zagged all over the place and traveled 253 miles. We got in here at 3:00. Fuel is cheaper here in Ohio, all still under $3.00.

These pictures are of the Court House in Adrian, MI on highway 52 a bit north of
Ohio. We have seen a lot of really pretty ones, but so far I think this one with all of its details was my favorite. It had beautiful tile work on it. Adrian was a busy little city and had some great Victorian architecture in it.

Corn and soybeans, soybeans and corn, that is what this corner of Ohio is all about so far.

1 comment:

Catt's Prints said...

Hi De Hoe...Love your blog. Sure miss you guys.
Kurt and I have been doing yard work. We had to get it ready for the local garden show. They guessed if we would show our place. I'll send you a picture. My Mom has been with us since April and we'll be building her a house soon, here, next door. All is well, take care. Kurt and Catt


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...