Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rainy Day in Ohio 10-12

Today it is gray and rainy.  Yesterday was cloudy but an okay day.  We drove to Millersburg with friend Jennifer and met Jennifer's Mom and her friend for lunch.  After a lovely lunch we wandered through a few of Lori and Jennifer's favorite shops.

Jaclyn preparing the artichokes!
Later that evening we went to Jaclyn's home where she did her professional chef thing and made us a wonderful dinner, artichokes, steak and red potatoes.  We were home late and yet as Lori does...we sat up and watched the DVR'd Dancing with the Stars....I was ready for bed, but when in Rome.....  She claimed we were then going to watch the next thing she had DVR'd and about two minutes in I look over and SHE'S sleeping!!!  Too funny.
Me and Jac

Jaclyn and Lori and our wonderful meal.

Lori & me

Now a bunch of random gorgeous fall colors along the roadways of Central Ohio:

Leaves raining down

Bellville, Ohio

Lori's place

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...