Saturday, October 15, 2011

Doggy day 10-15

Crazy horse dog jumped on the bed three different times with me last night...I let her sleep there for awhile the first time...she is a bed hog, but a good bed warmer, and she is funny to watch as she slithers off the bed.  Today while Lori was sleeping Piper got wound up because I wouldn't play with her and she did the crazy psycho dog thing barking at me and then she ran around and jumped right into the middle of sleeping Lori.

Today was mostly sunny but the wind was very strong and steady with much stronger gusts so I opted out of a walk.  I didn't want to get taken out by an election poster or a tree limb.  I watched movies and knit on a new cap.  We had a lovely dinner (I had put a pork roast and veggies in the oven to slow cook all afternoon) and I made baked apples for dessert...yummy.  Then Nurse Ratchet was off to work again and here I am with Piper.    Tonight she is busy with a new chewy and we are having a quieter evening.

devil dog

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...