Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice 6-21

We never thought we would see it again, but it arrived just as always and hot, just as the first day of summer should be!  97 degrees.

As I said yesterday I was shooting for a 5 a.m. rising but I didn't roll out until 6.  That was even hard because I love my 8 hours of beauty rest!  I got the laundry done and got out in the garden to pull weeds.  Later after Seth got up he helped and was actually a good helper.  He used the trowel to loosen the soil and I pulled out the weed...he didn't like getting his hands dirty, also this way I knew we were getting weeds.  I deadheaded the roses and flowers, tidied up a bit, watered and then we spent much of the rest of the day moving around to wherever the shade was and watching nature.  Seth is always interested and patient and we spend a lot of time talking to him about all kinds of things, he is very inquisitive.  He planted a Skittle candy hoping it would grow into a Skittle bush.

Larry mowed the lower hill which is a hard job...very slopey...he is hoping it will be the last time this season and he discovered that the honey bees in the bee tree were back when he bumped the tree with the mower.  They became very active, but not aggresive.

I am missing out on tonights stargazing so I must run!  I'm sure another busy day tomorrow.  Seth is fascinated by all kinds of things...he can dig and collapse mole holes or watch an earwig nest scatter after Grampa sprays them.  Oh, I picked my first baby zucchini today....I am scared to see how many I'll be picking in another couple of weeks....I may be sending them out! :)
Seth having a blast in the water...my favorite shot of many.

This was Seth's pick, he liked how the water looked like a circle.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...