Monday, June 27, 2011

Busy, busy

We have had a busy few days with nature entertaining us and a visit from some family.

Seth inspecting the flowers

Seth decided he was going to head down the "bear" trail...which is a cleared trail down through some manzanita, coffee bushes and other shrub type plants.  I noticed a doe head down the trail after him... I told Larry, uh oh, I bet her fawn is in there somewhere and I hope she doesn't try to attack Seth.  He gets to the bottom, waves and then decided to head back up the trail...the deer startled him and he startled the deer and then as the doe burst out of the trail Seth was hot on her trail and she cuts back into the brush which flushed out the teeny spotted fawn who then bounded after its Mama up the hill.  It was pretty funny to see.  Seth was excited to see the baby.

This morning I was inside and heard a ruckus from a bunch of crows and bluejays...I headed outside to see what was going on and just as I stepped outside I saw the fox trotting from the street to head across the meadow.  Larry had been outside and seen the fox coming down the road with the birds hollering and swooping at the fox.  The fox must have gotten a baby or a nest.  I hope to get a shot of the fox one of these is a good sized one.

Playing Toy Story Yahtzee

AND, the three of us spend quite a lot of time watching the woodpecker's hole in the tree for the babies to make an appearance.  They have started sticking their heads out when the adults come to feed them and tonight Larry saw one almost completely creep out of the hole...they are mostly grown so it will be any day now that our noisy neighbors will take wing.

The roses and garden are flourishing.  The tomatoes have now reached the top of their baskets and another couple of days I will be bringing in some zuchini.  The roses are so pretty and the fruit trees are starting to look much better this year than last now that they are getting regular water, fertilizer and systemic insectiside.  Larry is just sad that he won't be getting any plums...the snow ruined the crop.  I love going out every morning and picking flowers to bring in the house.

Me cooking breakfast after having fruit and coffee on the deck
On Saturday I cleaned and got everything ready for a visit from my cousin Darcy and her husband Paul.  He is an endurance runner (over hill, mountain, rocks, snow, fording creeks and rivers) and was part of the support team this year for the Western States 100 race from Squaw Valley to Auburn.  He ran 34 miles with a backpack to support any runners that needed help.  He finished in Foresthill and then he and Darcy came here for the night.  We had a great visit and they relaxed and enjoyed our lovely home here surrounded by nature.  Seth really liked them and we all played some games together and visited and before we knew it they were on their way back home. 
Darcy, Paul, Seth & Larry

Yesterday Seth kicked our butts at regular Yahtzee.  He got a 509...with three Yahtzees.  He has been playing for awhile and knows what he's doing.  So today he wanted to play Zonk and this little 7 year old has caught on really quickly...getting the strategy and the counts pretty well for his age.  He is one extremely lucky kid ...I can hear him now in there kicking his Granpa's butt...getting repeated 1500 rolls of the dice.  He doesn't see all the possibilities after a throw yet, but he does better every time we play.  I told him he is advanced and before his time and Seth says "When I was baby I was past my time"...too cute.

Paul and Seth playing bear football
The last few days have been in the high 80's but tomorrow and the next day it will be down in the low 70's and rain is predicted.  We don't want rain because that means the weeds will keep growing which means they will have to be cut.....again!  One of the unappealing things about living in the foothills...weed maintenance and of course with the unusually wet weather everyone has had to cut way more than usual.  The rivers are high right now too with the snow melt.  Then by the weekend we are supposed to be up into the 90's.

Seth getting a very short ride in the bed of the truck,

this mornings bouquet

Seth found a bunch of quartz rocks and he is washing
the dirt off of them

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...