Friday, June 03, 2011

Played in the Dirt 6-3

It was overcast all day but it wasn't windy and it was warmer, in the 60's.  It was still a long sleeve day but I didn't need an overshirt.  The first thing to do was finally cut Larry's hair...he was getting close to it actually going over his ears, but the weather has been too cold and windy to attempt his shearing until today. 

This lady is getting larger with baby every day
I played in the dirt for a couple of hours putting my primroses from their pot into the ground so I could use the pot for a shade loving summer arrangement, which I potted up and I potted a sun loving pot for the back deck.  I then transplanted a bunch of nastursiums...they prefer yucky dirt to flower in so I moved them from where I started them from seed.

There was a bird ruckus up the hill....a baby scrub jay was on the ground and for some reason a wood pecker was bothering it and the jay's parents were fighting it off.  Maybe the woodpecker thought it was its baby.

I made a yummy chicken/veggie stir-fry for dinner and that was about it.

The bucks are sprouting antlers

I love poppies, their petals are so ruffly and paperlike

I asked Larry to hold my camera for me while I finished up

Thanks Lar, I look like the hunchback, I was just straightenng up and hadn't gotten
things shaken back down yet. :)

So much neater looking now without those mounds,
now we have to figure out what to do with this area.

It has come so far

The little box is going to be for herbs

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...