Sunday, June 19, 2011

Home Again! 6-19

What a long day....that trip from Salem is about 3 hours too long!  We left at 0630 and arrived home almost 12 hours later...just 15 minutes shy.  Seth is a great traveler, he is staying with us for two weeks, he had plenty to keep himself entertained on the journey.  He had his teeny ipod with external speakers and his Nintendo Dsi and even a DVD player which he usually watches but didn't this time.  He caught a few cat naps and fell asleep the last hour...which was the best time for us because then we didn't have to here are we there yet, what time will we get home and guessing when we would arrive about 100 times in the hour :)  We stopped for breakfast near Roseburg and lunch at Red Bluff where he ran around and played at McDonalds for a bit...we were all getting weary of being in the truck.  We hit traffic above Woodland, being a "summer" Sunday there were a lot of campers, boaters and picnickers on the road.

Our yard was a blooming is amazing what 10 days will do in a garden with sun and heat.  Most all of the roses have bloomed, the nastursiums that I had transplanted just a couple of days before we left are all blooming which was a huge surprise, the dahlias are over two feet tall and budding there are a few baby zucchini and the tomato plants have doubled in size.  I had to get unpacked and get to the store so no pictures, plus I have a lot of weeds to get routed out.  It also seems we had a couple of animal visitors...a pile of coyote poo on the front deck and only a bear could have cleared off a shelf and a big bag of mortar trying to get into where we store the garbage can...there were wood ends and other miscellaneous stuff stacked up there and it was all on the ground, but not all destroyed so it either was scared off or just wasn't that interested.

Seth, after having to help cart his stuff into the can imagine the huff of sound he made at that "suggestion", got busy touring around the place on his new bike. 

We are pooped, so now that I think Seth might be asleep I am heading for my own not on the floor air mattress bed....miss traveling with the trailer, plus that was a long time for us to be away from home.

Happy Father's Day by the way to all you great Dad's and Dads at heart out there!

Sorry for any stupid errors here...I am not bed is calling....I hear it above the singing of the crickets...because...SUMMER IS HERE, SUMMER IS HERE!!!!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...