Tuesday, June 07, 2011


We awoke to a blue, cloudless sky!  The ground was still extremely wet so it felt steamy most of the day.  For the first time in weeks we were able to sit out on the deck and have our breakfast baking in the sun. 

I spent a couple of hours out in the garden...today I fertilized the thirty rose bushes...they are all just doing so great.  I love that Bayer rose 3 in 1 stuff.  I have never had rose bushes look so strong and healthy.  Larry built me a work table to keep in the garden, out of left over lumber and siding and it has a heavy coat of primer.  Now I just have to decide how to paint it and I'm thinking I might mosaic it too so it is a work of art in the garden...functional art. 

I also gave a massage this afternoon and I'm not as pooped as I thought I would be, I must be getting back into shape or my new vitamins/herbs are helping. 

We heard thunder off in the distance but the clouds stayed away...yay!  I didn't download my camera today so no pictures.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...