Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun Day 6-24

It was a pleasant day in the 80's.  I didn't need to close everything up to keep it cool and we didn't need the fans or the a/c...perfect.

Yesterday one of our new babies made a bounding appearance...a teeny spotted fawn bounced out of the shrubbery at a buck and then back and by the time I had gotten the camera it was gone.  Today Momma trusted us enough to show off her twins...I was having technical difficulties with my camera (meaning I wasn't getting the manual settings correct) so these aren't great but you can still see how little they are and how cute.
Seth and I made up a game to play with his large bouncy plasticy jacks and we had fun doing that for awhile.  I had an appointment for a haircut and Larry ran a friend down to Citrus Heights...I didn't even do very much in the garden today except walk around in it.  Seth and I played with his squirt guns for awhile and this evening he has been teaching us some of his Dsi games.

Tomorrow we will be honored with guests for the cousin Darcy and her husband Paul...we are really looking forward to seeing them and visiting.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...